Love Does Not End at Death End-of-Life Articles Love Does Not End at Death Jesus’ death and Resurrection open for us the possibility of reunion with our deceased loved…Sr Marie VeritasMay 13, 2021
What Happens When We Die? End-of-Life Articles What Happens When We Die? by Sr. Fidelity Grace, SV and Sr. Marie Veritas, SV MEETING GOD “Death is the…Sr Marie VeritasMay 13, 2021
Cardinal O’Connor & The Only Thing That Matters End-of-Life Witness Cardinal O’Connor & The Only Thing That Matters “There are places that do not exist in our hearts until they are born into…Sr Marie VeritasMay 12, 2021
St. John Paul II – Unleashing Love End-of-Life Witness St. John Paul II – Unleashing Love The life of the future Pope was marked by suffering. He lost his mother at…Sr Marie VeritasMay 12, 2021
Physician-Assisted Suicide: What you need to know End-of-Life Articles Physician-Assisted Suicide: What you need to know Euthanasia / Assisted Suicide / “Aid in dying” is often cloaked in language of mercy,…Sr Marie VeritasMay 12, 2021
My Grandma’s Gift End-of-Life Witness My Grandma’s Gift by Sr. Fiat Marie, SV My grandmother suffered from Alzheimer’s disease from the time I…Sr Marie VeritasMay 12, 2021