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Why Donate?

Your generosity makes possible our religious lives and missions. We rely completely on God’s providence, through the financial support of our benefactors. Your contribution helps to provide for the needs of our Sisters, as well as provide for the needs of our missions to pregnant women, women who have suffered after abortion, and some of our evangelization efforts.

Thank you so much for your kindness!

Giving Options

Credit Card

For the United States: For one-time or recurring credit card donations visit our Online Donations Page or call (845) 357-3547 or

For Canada: Visit the Canada Donations Page


In the United States:

Checks can be made out to “Sisters of Life” and mailed to:

Sisters of Life
38 Montebello Rd.
Suffern, NY 10901

In Canada:

Checks can be made out to “Sisters of Life – Canada” and mailed to:

Sisters of Life
St. Joseph’s Convent
172 Leslie St.
Toronto, ON  M4M 3C7

*Unfortunately, we cannot accept Canadian checks in the United States, even if the check is in US dollars.

Planned Giving

Thank you for considering including our community and missions in your will.

My Catholic Will is a free resource designed to help you create a will and leave a lasting legacy of faith.

To speak with a Sister about planned giving, please call 845-357-3547 ext. *3 (USA) or 416-463-2722 (Canada).


Direct deposits:

In the United States: Please call (845) 357-3547 or

In Canada: Please call (416) 463-2722 or email

Transfers of stock:

In the United States: Please complete and submit this Stock Gift Form.

In Canada: Please submit this Canadian Securities Donation Form

Donations of property or vehicles:

In the United States: Please call (845) 357-3547.

In Canada: Please call  (416) 463-2722

Sisters of Life U.S. EIN #: 06-1579167

Canada EIN #: 80755 7624 RR0001

Thank you for your generosity!

The Sisters of Life are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States and a registered not-for-profit corporation with CRA charitable status in Canada. We are able to issue tax receipts for monetary donations in the United States, and are able to issue Canadian tax receipts for monetary donations made in Canada. Please note: we are unable to issue tax receipts for credit card donations originating outside the United States and Canada.

Upon receipt of your donation, we will mail an acknowledgment of your donation and add you to our newsletter mailing list. Tax receipts for donations given in the United States will only be issued for donations of $250 or more, and will be mailed in January following the close of the calendar year. Please contact us at (845) 357-3547 if you need a tax receipt outside of these circumstances.

Tax receipts for donations given in Canada by cheque or cash for $20 or more are mailed in February following the close of the calendar year. Please contact us at (416) 463-2722 if you need a tax receipt outside of these circumstances.

In Memory Donations: please include first and last name, date of death, and hometown, or include a link to their obituary.  Your loved one will be remembered in our daily prayers.

Direct deposits, in the U. S.:  Please call (845) 357-3547 or or in Canada: Please call  (416) 463-2722 or email

Transfers of stock, For the U.S.: Please complete and submit this Stock Gift Form. or for Canada, please submit this Canadian Securities Donation

Donations of property or vehicles, please call (845) 357-3547. For Canada, please call: (416) 463-2722

Specific Event Donations: For donations in honor of a wedding, birthday, anniversary, baby shower, marathon, etc., we are happy to send you a link to your own donation page that can be shared with family and friends.  To request, please email


For USA: Call us at (845) 357-3547 or email
For Canada: Call us at (416) 463-2722  or email

Baby Items

For inquiries about donating diapers, new or lightly-used baby clothes and maternity clothes, strollers, car seats, etc., please contact:

In the United States: (212) 737-0221

In Canada: (416) 463-2722

We believe that every person is unique, unrepeatable, and infinitely loved by God.

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