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God created each of our hearts to love Him in a way that no one else can. By reflecting on the ways Mary cared for Jesus and loved Him, she can help us see the ways Jesus wants to live His life in us and the ways we are drawn to love Him, and every person made in His image and likeness.


Sr. Mariam Caritas of the Lamb of God, SV

My name essentially translates to Mary’s love of the Lamb of God. Mary’s love of the Lamb of God has captivated my own heart. Her immense love and tenderness is revealed during those hidden years at the home in Nazareth. This tender love is poured out in even the simple tasks a mother performs for her child. I imagine her maternal heart being ever so attentive to preparing His favorite meals, the gentle care she took in weaving His clothes, and the joy she experienced as He learned the carpenters’ trade from Joseph.

That sacred relationship has been and will continue to be a deep source of contemplation for the rest of my life, something I pray will continue to be enhanced until the day I meet Our Lady in heaven.

Originally printed in IMPRINT Magazine Spring 2023.