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Vocation Stories

Vocation Story: Sr. Therese Marie

By January 1, 2019May 27th, 2019No Comments

I was at my friend’s beach house over the summer and it was early in the morning.


I’ll never forget the way the Lord spoke to my heart. It was not a voice I heard in my head, but in my heart and it told me to go to the beach and I would find my answer there. I left the house and began walking quickly and then running. When I arrived I could feel my heart filling up with love. It was so powerful and overwhelming, unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

Jesus was posing a question to my heart, and my answer was, “Yes, yes, Lord, whatever you want, whatever it is, the answer is YES!” Now, I had no idea what He was asking, but I knew it was good to say yes! Suddenly, as I looked out into the ocean I experienced the love of God the Father and I knew in a way that I could never doubt that I was His beloved daughter. I saw the sun rising, and somehow I knew the sun was rising for me. And all of the ocean waves pounding on the shore, were pounding for me. And every little piece of sand that was on the beach, was placed there specifically for me. God loved me that much. And if I was the only person in the world, Jesus would have died on the Cross just for me. He knew me better than I knew myself.

He was always there deep in my soul, drawing me. I also felt that the Lord was telling me that I could trust Him, that He would never, ever hurt me because He simply did not know how. And all of the de- sires that I had in my heart – to be a mother, and a wife, and a daughter? All of those things would not be taken from me, but, would in fact, be fulfilled totally and completely in Him by becoming a bride of Christ and a spiritual mother to many, many children that He would send me to help.

I also knew that this experience was not just for me, but that He felt this love for each of His children and He wanted me to share this story. Eventually, some time after that experience, I met the Sisters of Life. I knew God was calling me to lay down my life so that others would know their own dignity – because each life is sacred and each life matters to the Lord – more than we can imagine.