God became man. This is the most astounding moment in human history. How did He choose to come into the world? He came through a human mother. This is Mary. Our love and reverence for Christ leads us to honor His mother whom we call the Mother of God, Theotokos, Mother of all the Living, Help of Christians, Our Lady Queen of the Angels, Star of the Sea, Cause of Our Joy, and hundreds of other titles. But there is one title which she herself proclaimed at the Annunciation: “I am the handmaid of the Lord” (Luke 1:38). It’s all Mary ever wanted to be.
She takes us to Him.
We cannot think of Mary and of her extraordinary life without being drawn immediately to Christ. Her “yes” brought Him into the world. From that moment forward, Mary’s heart and life were wholly bound up in Christ. She herself said, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord” (Luke 1:46).
She wants to show us the true greatness and beauty of Jesus, the Son of God and her Son. The more we draw close to Mary, the more she draws us to Christ.
Mary always leads us to Jesus.
Mary never seeks to proclaim anything but Jesus Christ. In the darkness, she points out the Light. In our wandering, she guides us to the Way. In our every need, she shows herself a mother, leading us to her Son.
Originally printed in IMPRINT Magazine Spring 2023.