Keep Your Eyes Fixed on God
Nothing stifles the spirit of gratitude more than navel- gazing and self-reliance. Look to God in faith in all your needs. Lean on His strength to meet challenges that arise. Pray for the grace and patience to receive life as a gift rather than seeking to control or possess it.
Live the Reflective Life
Find a quiet spot to reflect for ten minutes at the end of each day. Ask the Lord to help you see where He was present and how He was at work in your life. Reflection enables us to be more attentive to God’s presence and open ourselves to the gifts of each day.
Make it a Habit
Make it a point each day to count your blessings and ex- press your gratitude – write blessings down in a journal, recount them in your mind as you drive home from work, or share them when you are with family and friends.
Tap Your Memory – Especially on Rough Days
If life is just tough or you find yourself getting stuck in the spirit of disdain or ingratitude, recall moments in the past you were touched by the graces and wonders of God. Remember when you were sustained by grace through a difficult trial or loss. Let the gifts and graces of these memories inform the present and reestablish you in faith and thanksgiving.
Take Time for Prayer
Prayer draws us into relationship with God. As we spend time with the Lord we come to know His great love for us and His promise to be with us always. The more we come to know Him, the more we will grow to trust Him in all the circumstances of our lives and experience His Provident care in all things.
Live in the Truth
Gratitude isn’t about being superficially positive or overlooking the difficulties in life. Rather, gratitude flows from living out the greatest truth – the reality that we are beloved children of a God, a Father who eagerly works to draw us into the fullness of life. Trusting this reality allows us to live gratitude, whatever our circumstances may be.
Originally published in our Winter 2015 issue of Imprint.