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Overwhelmed with gratitude at all that God has provided for her and her baby Ella, Robin King continues to return to Sacred Heart to “give back”. Her time living with the Sisters at Sacred Heart Convent enabled her to focus her attention on her new motherhood and to become financially secure. “I could save money so that I could provide a home for Ella and myself. Spiritually, I was able to reconnect with God and I became more aware of the importance and beauty of being a woman and grew in confidence in myself.” Two years later, she now wants to be a support and encouragement to women who are facing the same difficulties she went through. The experience has made her realize the wisdom in God’s plan for family life, “every child deserves to have a father and a mother.” It’s not easy being a single mother. “You have to put God first and He will take care of you. You have to share what you’ve learned, the wisdom that God gives you, with others,” she said. She tells the guests that they can call her any time. Asked what she remembers most from her time at Sacred Heart she replied, “A home-cooked meal every night! And hearing the bell ring for prayer and the Sisters singing in the chapel; the laughter in the house; and feeling protected, peaceful and secure there. The Sisters are like family to me.”

Originally printed in IMPRINT Magazine Fall 2006.