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Who was John Cardinal O’Connor?
Archbishop of New York (1984-2000), he was heralded as a patriarch of the pro-life movement. He united and championed the efforts being made on behalf of human life across the country. He was enormously supportive of pro-life medical professionals, politicians, teachers, lawyers, journalists, activists and anyone who did anything, however great or small, to defend the most vulnerable in society. After years working to promote the cause of human life, Cardinal
O’Connor prayed to know why greater progress was not being made despite the manifold efforts. He was struck by the Scripture, “This kind of demon can only be cast out by prayer and fasting.” (Mk 9:29)

Founder of the Sisters of Life
With these words Cardinal O’Connor recognized that the battle in our culture needed a supernatural response – a powerhouse of prayer. Cardinal O’Connor came to the conclusion that God was calling him to found the Sisters of Life, a spiritual response to a spiritual reality.

What is the Charism of Life?
Charism is a Greek word meaning gift or a gratuitous favor the Holy Spirit bestows upon someone for the upbuilding of others. The Charism of Life proclaims that every human being bears the imprint of God. In contemplating Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, the eyes of our hearts are opened so that we may recognize His presence in each human being. Every human being is a sacred, unique, unrepeatable expression of God’s love in the world. God loved you into existence, continuously upholds you and calls you forth to become your best self and chooses you in each moment.

Originally printed in IMPRINT Magazine Fall 2014.

photo credit: istock / hyslop / Jezperklauzen / yoglimogli