In a time of trial, we need to remember who we are and what we are made for.
What is your heart made for?
Your heart was made for freedom, glory, peace, and life. Ultimately, all of that comes from a relationship with the living God, the source of all life and love. St. Augustine said, “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”
What should you do in a difficult time?
It can be tempting to focus solely on the crisis at hand. But this often clouds the deeper reality of God’s presence and can lead to anxiety, even despair. Instead, we need to rest in Him; we need to remember who God is, who we are, and what we are made for.
How do we rest in Him?
One way is leisure — true leisure. It does not mean simply having fun, relaxing, or taking time off. Born from a posture of receptivity to God and His gifts, true
leisure is about taking time to do things that connect us with the Good, the True, and the Beautiful — things like true art, music, literature, and nature. They create a space for our hearts to resonate with God’s heart, and they dispose us for prayer. True leisure keeps the heart awake to the triumph of Jesus’ Resurrection. It helps us remember our identity, purpose, and God’s personal love for us. Jesus desires the unique love of your heart, a love that only you can give. He wants your heart to flourish. Notice: What makes my heart sing? What gives life to my heart? Take time to do those things that bring you life.
Originally printed in IMPRINT Magazine Spring 2019.