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We are greatly supported in our service to pregnant women by many generous men and women, who give of their talents, time and energy as Co-Workers of Life.

Ways to Serve


Women with the “heart of Mary” who befriend a woman in a difficult pregnancy. Handmaids might go out for a cup of tea, chat on the phone or take a walk; in short they help keep hope alive.

Visitation Brothers:

Men who approach the father of the baby with the heart of a brother, mentoring and guiding him in learning to support the mother of his child.

Visitation Coordinators:

This critical role as “servant of the servants” requires a talented and well-connected person who heads up the effort of coordinating needed resources in the local community.

Spiritual Leaders:

Priests and other faith formators who are able to guide women at a crucial juncture in their relationship with God.

Holy Respites:

A family or single woman able to open their home in order to support and nurture a woman in need during her pregnancy.

Health Professionals:

Doctors, nurses and other medical professionals, committed to the sanctity of human life, who assist a woman during pregnancy and her infant following birth.

College University Contacts:

Those involved in post-secondary education and campus life who can help with the transfer of credits and tuition waivers.

Business Professionals:

Someone who can advise or provide employment for a pregnant woman before and after giving birth.


Committed to upholding a woman’s plans to give life to her child, these therapists provide an essential supportive resource in dealing with the personal, emotional, and cognitive challenges that arise during pregnancy.


Professionals willing to offer legal counsel and services in the areas of adoption or child custody.

St. Joseph’s Workers:

Men willing to help a vulnerable pregnant woman by building cribs, moving furniture, and other “handy-man” services.


Men and women who give their time and energy to help the Sisters with practical convent needs, like cleaning and maintenance.

All Good Things Provider:

Individuals or groups who will provide gift cards for maternity clothes, baby items, or food.

Prayer Guardians:

Men or women who will stand spiritually with a pregnant woman, daily lifting her up and guarding her through their prayer.


Our Co-Workers of Life engage in a program of formation, involving an initial Co-Worker Training Day, which highlights our mission, how we approach the heart of a woman who is pregnant and in crisis, and how we receive her situation through the practice of reflective listening.

We also host monthly, optional Co-Worker luncheons in Manhattan, where we invite our Co-Workers to join us for a day of spiritual reflection, fellowship, and prayer.

To learn more about being a Co-Worker of Life or for volunteering opportunities, contact us:

In the United States:

(646) 882-1087

In Canada:

(416) 463-2722

You must be 18 years old or older to be a Co-Worker of Life.

Baby Item Donations

For inquiries about donating diapers, new or lightly-used baby clothes and maternity clothes, strollers, car seats, etc., please contact:

In the United States:

(212) 737-0221

In Canada:

(416) 463-2722

Your generosity makes possible our religious lives and missions.